Duna Dress - Natural


Easy to wear, the Duna dress is beautiful addition to a slow fashion wardrobe.

With a flattering v neckline and sleeves that cover the tops of arms.
Made from stunning natural fabric that combines a tactile softness with a sumptuous natural gauzy texture. The weight of the cloth allows the dress to fall beautifully, giving it a marvellous feel-good flow.
Read more about this fabric and the design process here.

The dress is available in one size and comes with a cotton underdress.

The model is 5"7 and a UK size 10.

These simple and unstructured pieces have texture at their heart.

Sustainably made in small batches from natural fibres, cotton, linen and hemp, these handcrafted pieces have a raw and rustic feel.

Easy to combine to build a slow fashion wardrobe, these timeless and versatile neutrals will take you from season to season.

New season pieces with feel-good flow.

This dress is generous in the fit through the body and would fit anyone from a size 8-14. It has a slightly dip hem back, measuring 137cm in length.

The dress can be worn with or without the supplied cotton underdress. The underdress is slim in fit (more like a size 10), measuring 84cm in the bust, 88cm in the waist and 101cm in the hip.
100% linen dress with 100% cotton under slip
Care Instructions
Gentle machine wash cool