
Switch Off Moments

Switch Off Moments

Mother’s Day is a reminder to switch off and celebrate ourselves (and also be celebrated!)

My switch off moments are a lifeline, allowing spaciousness into busy days.

It’s simple things such as savouring my morning coffee, or focusing on my feet as a way of grounding myself back into the present. 

Here are my five favourite pieces which remind me to pause and take a moment for myself.

These would make welcome gifts for anyone wanting to take a slower more appreciative journey through their day.

Sheepskin slippers and sheepskin boots

Venus Slipper Boots & Venus Mules: The inspiration for the name of these boots came from Venus the Roman goddess of love, beauty and power. This was an intentional nod to celebrate the strong women who surround and inspire me. The gift of comfort should never be underestimated. Feeling cosy and relaxed from the feet up, in luxury handmade sheepskin slippers, is always the best way to start my day.

Brickett Davda Mug

Brickett Davda Mugs: With each sip of coffee, I appreciate the feel of my handmade Brickett Davda mug; from its elegant handle and delicate edge, to the way my hand fits snugly round it like it has been made-to-measure, to its pleasing smooth glaze. Enjoying these details keeps me in the present, so I really taste what I am drinking.

Gold Large Hoop Earrings

Gold Hoop Earrings: I reach for these large hoop earrings when I need to switch off from lengthy decision-making processes - these are always a high-quality yes! Easy to wear, these simple and elegant hoops help you feel polished, fast. They will go with everything you own. We sell them in two sizes, extra large hoops for when you want to make a statement and large hoops for when you're wanting something more understated.

Luxury cushions

Cosy Wool Blankets & Luxury Cushions: Bad day at school or at work, lost the match or lost the plot, friendship or relationship issues, feeling overwhelmed or under the weather - whatever the issue, there is nothing that half an hour under a cosy pure wool throw, snuggling deep into luxury cushions can’t resolve (or at least make it feel better). This is my go-to remedy for myself, my girls, for friends and family.

Beeswax Candles

Beeswax candles: Lighting a pure beeswax candle is a ritual I love: the sound of the strike, the smell of the match, the crackle as the wick catches, the flickering light and faint scent of honeyed beeswax. It takes all of ten seconds to light a candle and yet it makes the atmosphere feel different, like the room has exhaled.




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